Many Drug Makers and Doctors Engage in Identical Fraud and Kickbacks and Put Patients at Risk By With Illegal Off-Label Marketing and False Statements About Many Drugs Safety
Look at these patterns of identical dangerous crimes !!
According to Pulitzer Prize winning :
“Drugmaker Eli Lilly pleaded guilty to illegally marketing its blockbuster antipsychotic Zyprexa for elderly patients. Lilly paid $1.4 billion in criminal penalties”
“A doctor named as a co-defendant in one suit - for allegedly taking kickbacks to prescribe the drug extensively at nursing homes - never was pursued.”
“Alpharma paid $42.5 million to settle fraud allegations that it paid kickbacks to doctors to prescribe its painkiller Kadian.”
“At least 15 drug and medical-device companies have paid $6.5 billion since 2008 to settle accusations of marketing fraud or kickbacks.”
“None of the more than 75 doctors named as participants were sanctioned, despite allegations of fraud or of conduct that put patients at risk, a review by ProPublica found.”
(end of ProPublica quotes)
No one was prosecuted for any of the dangerous crimes above !!
The full article can be seen at :
This Crime Pattern Continues !!
The Justice Department Announces Nearly $1 Billion Civil and Criminal Resolution with Merck Sharp & Dohme Over Promotion of Vioxx
Here are the quotes from the U.S. Department of Justice.
“The Justice Department announced today that American pharmaceutical company Merck, Sharp, & Dohme has agreed to pay $950 million to resolve criminal charges and civil claims related to its promotion and marketing of the painkiller Vioxx®. Merck is entering into a civil settlement agreement under which it will pay $628 million to resolve additional allegations regarding off-label marketing of Vioxx® and false statements about the drug’s cardiovascular safety.”
(end of quotes)
As usual no one was prosecuted for these dangerous crimes !!
(Please remember the fines are often a small percentage of the profits from the dangerous crimes and the criminals only pay if they’re caught)
Later please view :
Here’s a quote from the New York Times regarding knowledge of the risks of Vioxx :
“The company’s vulnerability seemed heightened when internal company documents were revealed that showed that Merck’s scientists had been concerned about the risks of Vioxx several years earlier.”
Later please view :
I have not had time to compare articles on deaths caused by Vioxx.
No one was prosecuted for these dangerous crimes !!
The evidence you’ve just seen is part of many more patterns of life threatening crimes that are posted at :
Barry Schmittou